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Herb-Infused Watermelon Drink
Herb-Infused Watermelon Drink

1m letto

Herb-Infused Watermelon Drink

Herb-Infused Watermelon Drink_1920x600
Herb-Infused Watermelon Drink_375x600

Herb-Infused Watermelon Drink


Looking for ways to use your whole watermelon?

Watermelons are large fruit, often prone to unnecessary waste. So what if there was a way to use your whole watermelon without wasting a single piece?

Find out how to prepare a delicious and simple herb-infused watermelon drink. Follow the steps below to make this unique refreshment and turn heads at your next summer party.






20 MIN.


  • 1 large watermelon
  • Herbs of your choice


  1. Cut the top side off a watermelon.
  2. Mix the inside thoroughly with a hand mixer.
  3. Drain the juice and remove the pulp, then pour the juice back in. Add herbs of your choice to infuse with some extra freshness.
  4. Pour & enjoy!
