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Marmalade from Leftovers
Marmalade from Leftovers

1m letto

Marmalade from Leftovers


Sometimes we forget about the fruits we buy. They sit around for a long time and are left to rot. At this point, if your apples and bananas have started to overripen, we have sweet recipes for you.

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Marmalade from Leftovers_1920x600








  • 1.5 Kg Apples
  • 1 Kg Granulated Sugar
  • 1 Lemon Juice
  • Cinnamon to taste


  • 6 large bananas
  • 1, 1/4 cups granulated sugar
  • 2 tablespoon brown sugar
  • 2 juice of limes
  • 2 tablespoon water
  • 1/2 teaspoon dark rum
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. FOR APPLE MARMALADE: If your leftover apples are already sliced, put them in a pot and boil them in water.
  2. FOR BANANA MARMALADE: Slice the bananas and add the lemon juice.
  3. FOR APPLE MARMALADE: Put them through a sieve with a fork. Put the sieved apples back in the pot and add the sugar. Boil them until thickened.
  4. FOR BANANA MARMALADE: Add all the ingredients except for dark rum and vanilla extract to a pot and bring them to a boil.
  5. FOR APPLE MARMALADE: Add the juice of the lemon and continue boiling for a short while.
  6. FOR BANANA MARMALADE: After boiling, remove the marmalade from the pot and add dark rum and vanilla extract.
  7. FOR APPLE MARMALADE: Add cinnamon to taste. Put them in jars and let them cool. Once cooled, close their lids tightly and keep in a cool, dry place to enjoy at your leisure.
  8. FOR BANANA MARMALADE: Put the mixture through the blender and let it cool. Your marmalade is ready.
