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Puff Pastry made with leftover Brussels Sprouts
Puff Pastry made with leftover Brussels Sprouts

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Puff Pastry made with leftover Brussels Sprouts


Here's a recipe that will fill your house with delicious smells and help you make use of the leftover turkey, bacon and Brussels sprouts from Christmas. The perfect way to top-off our zero-waste Christmas resolution.
*Inspired by Grundig's Respect Food Campaign in partnership with Food for Soul.

Puff Pastry 1920x600
Puff Pastry 375x600






45 MIN.



  • 50g leftover Brussels sprouts, finely sliced
  • 150g leftover turkey meat, chopped
  • 50g bacon, chopped
  • 30ml double cream
  • Parsley and marjoram, as required
  • 1 garlic clove, crushed
  • Olive oil, as required
  • Puff pastry
  • 1 egg, beaten


  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C / fan 180°C.
  2. Heat the oil in a frying pan over a low heat. Gently fry the garlic clove for 1 minute, then remove it from the pan.
  3. Add the sprouts and fry for 5 minutes, then add the chopped roast turkey meat, bacon, a small handful of chopped parsley and marjoram and the double cream. Remove from the heat and set aside to cool.
  4. Roll out the puff pastry. Spoon the filling onto the center of each pastry, then brush the edge of each with a little water. Fold in half, then press and crimp the edges to seal.
  5. Transfer to a baking tray and brush each pasty with beaten egg. Bake for 15-20 minutes until golden.
