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Refreshing Watermelon Sorbet
Refreshing Watermelon Sorbet

1m letto

Refreshing Watermelon Sorbet


Refreshing Watermelon Sorbet


Not using your leftover watermelon?

Every year, perfectly edible seasonal fruit often gets tossed in the bin. Watermelons are especially vulnerable because of their size and difficulty to store. So why not explore new ways of using your leftover watermelon?

Find out below how to prepare a delicious (and refreshingly simple) watermelon sorbet - ready to enjoy any time of year!






20 MIN.


  • 1 large watermelon
  • Fruit juice of your choice


  1. Cut a watermelon into cubes. Use as much of the insides as you can.
  2. Store the cubes in the freezer until you're ready.
  3. Blend the frozen cubes until smooth.
  4. Add some fruit juice of your choice.
  5. Transfer mixture into a sorbet dish.
  6. Scoop & enjoy!
