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Sprout Cakes made with leftover Brussels Sprouts
Sprout Cakes made with leftover Brussels Sprouts

1m letto

Sprout Cakes made with leftover Brussels Sprouts


Why not turn your leftover Brussels sprouts into delicious little cakes and get one step closer to a zero-waste Christmas. You can save leftover Brussels sprouts from going to waste by giving them a new form through mashing and then frying into cake paddies.
*Inspired by Grundig's Respect Food Campaign in partnership with Food for Soul.

Brussels Sprout Cakes 1920x600
Brussels Sprout Cakes 375x600






40 MIN.


  • 300g leftover Brussels sprouts
  • 750g boiled potatoes
  • 20ml olive oil
  • 4 tbsp milk
  • ¼ cup fresh coriander, coarsely chopped
  • Salt and pepper


  1. Blend the sprouts and potatoes together with the milk, salt and pepper. Add the chopped coriander. Shape the mash into little burger shapes.
  2. Tip a little plain flour onto a plate and roll the cakes in the flour to coat.
  3. Heat the oil in a frying pan over a medium heat. Swirl to coat the base of the pan.
  4. Put the cakes into the frying pan and fry for 5 minutes on each side, until golden brown. If you are doing a lot, or want to do them ahead of time, keep warm on a plate in a low oven and repeat until they are all done.
  5. Serve with salad, beans, sausages or leftover cold meats.
