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1m letto

Salads are on the Table Again!

Salads are tasty and full of nutrients. Unfortunately, it is estimated that many of the bagged salads sold in the world is thrown away. Not only the bagged salad, but also the immense amount of resources to grow produce are wasted in bags. Here are some tips and tricks to put salads on the table again.

A Delicious Barbecue

A good way to use leftover salad leaves is barbecuing. Start by cutting the lettuce into wedges. Drizzle with olive oil, season with salt / herbs / spices, and barbecue the marinated wedges. You can try mayonnaise, orange zest or even toasted nuts.

Green Pancakes

You can add both color and deliciousness to your pancakes by simply blending a bunch of baby spinach to your pancake batter. You can also try with parsley, fresh mint or even dills.

Pasta with Leaves

A delicious way of using leftover leaves is mixing them with pasta. Chop your leaves, drizzle them with olive oil, stir the leaves with hot pasta and finish with a touch of parmesan. Delicious!


Many people think that basil is the only pesto. Wrong! You can make a pesto with aromatic leaves. Coupled with any kind of nut you have; your once unused leaves will enhance any dish!

Green Smoothie

Bagged salads are great ingredients for a tasty smoothie full of vitamins. Simply add them to your blender with any ingredient you prefer – apples, ginger or lemon.

Don’t forget, the next time you see a sorry bag of salad in your fridge is a great opportunity for one of the delicious treats above.
