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Greek Yoghurt Raita
Greek Yoghurt Raita

1m read

Greek Yoghurt Raita


Greek Yoghurt Raita


Yogurt turning yucky?

4kg of milk is needed to make 1kg of Greek yogurt. With so many resources being used to make it, it’s important that we stop wasting it.

With this simple recipe, you can turn it into the famous South Asian side dish which is raita. It goes perfectly with some naan, curry and rice, or you can eat it on its own when you are feeling peckish.






15 MIN.


  • 300g plain or Greek yogurt
  • 1 ½ tsp Cumin powder
  • Sea salt to taste
  • A dash of lime juice
  • 1 whole cucumber


  1. Grate the cucumber lengthways with the skin on. In parts, squeeze out as much of the juice as possible. Do this until all the cucumber has had the juice taken out, and toss into a bowl.
  2. Blend well.
  3. Add sea salt and lime to the cucumber mix.
  4. Stir the yogurt until it is free of lumps but still thick in consistency. Mix into cucumber and season with cumin powder.
  5. Blend mixture well.
  6. Store in the fridge until you are ready to serve.
  7. Serve cold in dipping bowl.
