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15 things you didn’t know you could freeze
15 things you didn’t know you could freeze

1m read

15 things you didn’t know you could freeze


Freeze! Keep your food out of the bin, where we can save it!


Freezing can do a lot for our food. It helps our food last longer so we can make the most out of it, but that’s only just the start.


You can save so much more food than you may think. Respect Food is a movement against food wastage, aims to create a movement about food wastage and under this philosophy. Food waste is a huge problem, causing emissions of greenhouse gases which contribute to climate change. Not only this, but it’s also taking a financial toll on consumers. Our appliances are specially designed to help your food last longer and therefore to help you to waste less. Grundig’s DuoCooling NoFrost technology means that your foods will be frozen without freezer burn so that their texture and taste is still maintained.


There are so many freezable types of food that many of us don’t know about, so take a look at these 15 examples to help get you started!


1. Eggs
Eggs can be frozen for up to one year, as long as you do so without the shells. Be sure to separate the whites, which you can freeze in airtight containers, from the yolk. Egg yolk can be tricky to freeze because of the texture, so mix them with 1/8 teaspoons of salt and store in airtight containers before freezing it. When you’re ready to use frozen eggs, thaw them overnight in the refrigerator or under running cold water. Make sure you don’t thaw them on the kitchen counter, as this might increase the risk of spreading bacteria. Eggs that have been frozen and thawed should only be used in dishes that are thoroughly cooked.


2. Vegetables
Most vegetables can be frozen through a process called blanching. Boil them in a pot (making sure to keep it closed) for up to 5 minutes. Then, place them in iced water for around 5-10 minutes and after draining them, pack them in resealable containers and off to the freezer they go!


3. Garlic
Peel your cloves, chop them up, and submerge every teaspoon of garlic in a teaspoon of olive oil. You can store these in an airtight container or even an ice tray, and they’ll be ready to freeze.


4. Avocado
Avocados can be frozen too, and it’s quite simple. Cut them into small pieces or mash them, put them into a resealable bag or containers, and put them in the freezer. However, their textures can change when you freeze them. So make sure you freeze them for the purpose of using them as ingredients rather than eating them raw.


5. Fruits
Techniques for taking care of fruits can vary based on the fruit in question. You can make them into a puree and freeze them in ice-cube trays for an instant smoothie, or go the old-fashioned route by freezing them in vacuum sealed bags.

6. Cheese
The texture of cheese can become crumbly after freezing, so make sure you plan to cook it after thawing. You can cut your cheese into chunks, or even grate it, as long as you place them in airtight bags before putting them in the freezer.


7. Hummus
Place your hummus in a resealable container and then layer it on top with olive oil. This prevents the hummus from losing any moisture. Make sure to leave some space in the container as hummus can expand when frozen, and consume within 4 months because the taste and texture can weaken quickly if left for too long.


8. Milk
Like hummus, milk can expand when frozen, so store it in a large container before you freeze it. Although it may seem like the texture has changed when you thaw it, give it a mix and it will be ready to use. Make sure to use it up within 3 days of thawing it in the fridge. The changed texture of frozen milk can be a perfect ingredient in baking up a cake.


9. Frosting
Making cupcakes just got better! While refrigerating frosting will make it last a few days, freezing it can stretch this to several months. Provided it’s stored in a sealed and airtight container, you can whip it on top of your cupcakes whenever you like.


10. Bread
Place your bread in one or two layers of resealable bags, and that’s it! They’ll last up to several months when you freeze them, rather than a measly few days otherwise.

11. Yoghurt
Freezing yoghurt changes its texture drastically, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use it. Its new texture might not be preferred for eating, but can be beneficial when baking, whilst still adding the healthiness of yoghurt. Store it in the original container, stir, wrap the lid with aluminium foil, and it’s ready to freeze.


12. Nuts
Super easy to freeze, just wrap them in plastic wrapping so they’re airtight. Freezing actually prevents nuts from going rancid, which is a huge bonus in addition to the longevity!


13. Tomato Sauce
Making sure the sauce is cool and pour into freezer containers or ice-cube trays. Only fill them halfway or just above though, as tomato sauce expands when frozen due to its high water content. Frozen tomato sauce can usually last for up to 18 months after freezing.


14. Chocolate
An example where more careful methods of freezing are required, chocolate can usually lose its lovely appearance after freezing. The trick here is to make the temperature transition a smooth one – wrap the chocolate in freezer bags, chill in the refrigerator for a few hours, and then move the bags to the freezer. You might find that the taste may have changed after freezing, but that’s no problem because you can still use it for cooking and baking.


15. Herbs
It’s best to always freeze herbs as cubes in ice-trays, this is particularly handy for just adding to soups for example, as and when you need it.

So let’s freeze the effect that food waste is having on the planet, with these simple waste reducing tips!



