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Cream of Brussels Sprouts and Potatoes
Cream of Brussels Sprouts and Potatoes

1m letto

Cream of Brussels Sprouts and Potatoes


You can use up your leftover potatoes and Brussels sprouts or boil up some unused ones; either way, you will have a delicious dinner. Don't forget to get that creamy texture by adding butter and grated parmesan.
*Inspired by Grundig's Respect Food Campaign in partnership with Food for Soul.

Cream of Brussels Sprouts and Potatoes_1920x600
Cream of Brussels Sprouts and Potatoes_375x600






40 MIN.



  • 300g Brussels sprouts
  • 300g medium potatoes
  • 20g butter
  • Finely grated parmesan cheese, as required
  • Black pepper, as required


  1. Peel and cut the potatoes into small pieces.
  2. Transfer the chopped potatoes into a saucepan with water and cook for about 15 minutes.
  3. Remove it from heat and add Brussels sprouts.
  4. Blend the vegetables, using an immersion blender, with a little of the cooking water until a smooth cream is obtained.
  5. Add a knob of butter and stir, then serve accompanied with grated parmesan and black pepper.
