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Smoked Salmon and Fennel Salad
Smoked Salmon and Fennel Salad

1m letto

Smoked Salmon and Fennel Salad


Once you taste the harmony of fennel with other ingredients, you may not be able to give it up. Here’s a delicious recipe that's worth a try.

Smoked Salmon and Fennel Salad_375x600
Smoked Salmon and Fennel Salad_1920x600






30 MIN.


  • A half fennel bulb
  • Bunch of season greens (arugula, basil, lollo rosso, fennel leaf, etc.)
  • 100 g fine smoke salmon slices
  • 50 g strawberry
  • 1 tbsp Dijon mustard
  • Pinch of salt and pepper


  1. Wash and dry the greens.
  2. Cut the fennel into slices, the strawberries into quarters.
  3. Mix dijon mustard, olive oil, salt, and pepper, combine and blend with all the ingredients.
  4. Place all the salmon slices on the plate.
