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4 ways to properly store your yoghurt
4 ways to properly store your yoghurt

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4 ways to properly store your yoghurt

4 ways to properly store your yoghurt

Did you know that it takes 4kg of milk to make 1kg of Greek yoghurt?

That’s why at Grundig, we think that we really shouldn’t waste milk, and our Respect Food programme is to encourage the wider community to do the same. No bit of food should be wasted because it has an impact on the world. After all, when something takes so many resources to make, with such a huge impact on the environment, it shouldn’t just be thrown away.

Yoghurts come in multipacks, in big containers, or you can get single pots for cheap as part of a promotion. This often encourages us to buy more than we need, which then ends up in the bin. Read these 7 shopping tricks that will help you to stop food wastage.

Whether it’s Greek, plain, or flavoured, follow these easy tips to store yoghurt properly, so you can eat more and throw away less.

1. Prevent cross-contamination

Rather than eating it straight out of the pot, scoop some into a bowl and eat it from there. Also, every time you use it, make sure you use a clean spoon, so bacteria doesn’t contaminate your yoghurt. As a precaution, you should also avoid mixing fresh and used yoghurt.

2. Seal it tightly
Use an airtight container to protect your yoghurt from strong odours. You can keep it in its original pot, but make sure you use the lid to close it, rather than just the foil seal.

3. Don’t store it in the door of your fridge
Keep your yoghurt fresh by being efficient and keeping it at the back of the fridge, where temperatures stay cool and consistent. Due to its delicate nature, small changes in temperature can affect the longevity of it. Grundig’s Customfresh+ technology is specially made so that dairy products such as yoghurt can last up to 3 times longer.

4. Freeze it
Although freezing yoghurt changes its texture in a way that might not make it suitable for eating, it can still be used as an ingredient to bake up a delicious cake. Make a layered cake and mix in with plenty of fresh fruits for an easy treat with no guilt. Yoghurt can be frozen for up to 1 month if you decide to do so, and Grundig’s DuoCooling NoFrost technology will make sure that it stays free of freezer burn. You can find out more about our Respect Food technologies here.

With dairy waste being such a huge problem, we really shouldn’t be wasting our yoghurt. Follow these and other storage tips and see how you can make an impact on saving the planet and saving your money.
