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9 ways to save meat before it gets wasted
9 ways to save meat before it gets wasted

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9 ways to save meat before it gets wasted


Meat is the most laborious food to produce.


When we throw away meat, the waste produced is the most impactful out of all other types of food waste. 1/3 of emissions produced by food waste can be attributed to wasted meat. 3/4 of the land used by food waste is used by thrown away meat, even though it actually only accounts for 13% of food waste as a whole.


Wasting meat uses a lot of resources, therefore it’s important that we save as much of it as possible. Read these 9 ways of saving meat so that it does not become waste.


1. Store on the bottom shelf of the fridge
Raw meat and fish should always be kept at the bottom of your fridge to prevent them from contaminating the rest of your food and to store them in ideal temperature conditions since they are highly perishable. Keep them sealed and free of leaks. However, Grundig’s cooling solutions, such as the FullFresh+ 0°C, can keep your meat and fish cooler for up to 3 times longer, without drying them out. Meat and fish products should be stored in 0°C compartments if included. If not, bottom shelf is recommended due to lower temperatures.


2. Freeze
Red meats can be frozen for up to 12 months if you can’t finish them. Ground meat can also be stored in the freezer for up to 6 months. Make sure they are wrapped properly, and that you don’t keep on thawing and refreezing them.


3. Cook thoroughly
Make sure leftover meat is cooked thoroughly so that you can store it easily and it continues to be safe to eat. Uncooked meat will allow bacteria to spread, and can make it go bad very quickly.


4. Buy smaller quantities
Although that red and yellow sticker in the supermarket saying ‘PROMOTION’ in big letters might lure you in, don’t fall for it. If you don’t need that much, don’t buy that much, even if you think you will use it up. Working out your meals for the week could potentially save you from indulging in impulse buying. It’ll save you money, and it’ll save the environment.

5. Use curing salt
It’s one of the oldest known methods of preserving meat. Cure your meat by covering it entirely with curing salt and store it in an airtight container. Store between 2 and 4°C. The time it should be stored for depends on how thick the meat it is. The general rule is 7 days for every inch of thickness. Cured meat can last for up to 3-4 months, depending on the conditions it has been stored in.


6. Dehydrate it
Who doesn’t like beef jerky? It can save you from throwing your beef away, and it is easy to make. Simply slice thinly, boil and bake slowly. Depending on the level of moisture left over, it can last up to 2 months without being put in the fridge. The drier it is, the longer it will last outside. Dehydrate your goods.

7. Preserve it by canning it

Although this is a trickier process, it can let you keep your meat for another year. The process of canning involves using pressure, heat or liquid to keep your meat preserved. Different types of meat use different methods of canning.


8. Smoke the meat
The scent and taste of smoked meat are unmatched. Even better is the fact that it stops your meat from going off. Smoke your meat by using a closed box with your smoke, and let it cook for a few hours. The meat will absorb the smoke and cook thoroughly.


9. Cook it!
Ultimately, you can make your meat last longer simply by cooking it properly and using it to its full potential. You can make anything from sandwich fillings to meatballs to burgers. You can also use every part of the meat, such as bones to make meat stock.


Grundig technologies such as Superfresh, Fullfresh and Fullfresh+ 0°C, have been developed specially to help decrease meat waste. Find out more with the technology teasers below.

Super Fresh means that your fish, meat and dairy will keep their flavour, texture and nutritional values for longer. It works by keeping your food at a temperature of around 0°C, which is lower than normal fridges.


FullFresh+ keeps your fruit and vegetables fresher for up to three times longer by keeping temperatures and humidity levels consistent


FullFresh+ 0°C keeps your meat, fish and dairy fresher for up to three times longer whilst still maintaining its taste and texture. It’s designed to regulate airflow and temperature, in a specially designed insulated compartment.


With so much going in to make it, and so much to lose from wasting it, we need to make sure we are making the most out of our meat. Try these ways and see how you can make a difference!
