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How to make the most out of your root vegetables
How to make the most out of your root vegetables

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How to make the most out of your root vegetables


Go a step further: use more than just the flesh of your root vegetables.


At Grundig, we’ve created Respect Food because we believe in getting the most out of food. Food waste has a severe impact on the planet. Greenhouse gases produced by landfills growing with wasted food are adding to the problem of a changing climate. Therefore, it’s up to us to make the most out of every bit of food. But how do you use up the roots and stems of some of your kitchen essentials?


From potatoes to carrots and more, see our ways on how you can make the most out of your root vegetables.


1. Make vegetable stock
Use the peelings of potatoes and the cuttings of carrots to brew your own vegetable stock. Particularly good ingredients are onion ends, celery tops and leek stems. It’s the best way to use up all that yummy vegetable flavour, and it’s an ideal way to compact your waste. Try out different combinations of different highlighted flavours.

2. Plant them
Try planting some roots and see if you can grow your own produce! Vegetables such as carrots, romaine lettuce and green onions can be regrown again and again just by using their roots. So not only are you cutting on your waste, you’re also using your green fingers to save money on buying new produce!

3. Make your compost more rich in nutrients

Enhance the quality of your soil by adding roots, stems and scraps of your vegetables. Not only is this an eco-friendly, space-saving way to dispose of your waste, it’s also a great way to kick-start your gardening hobby and eventually save cash. Be sure to check that your local authority allows it before you begin. If you don’t want to do it at home, plenty of local composting facilities may be at hand for you to give your scraps to.

4. Use them as entertainment

Entertaining young kids? Why not turn your roots and tops into shapes so that children can use them as paint stamps? It’s hours of fuss-free fun, and it’s a good way to entertain without creating waste.

5. Try out weird recipes
Did you know that you can bake carrot tops and make them into a salad? Why not make some delicious appetisers from your potato or pumpkin skins? Make it into more with Grundig’s Combi Steam and Divide and Cook ovens. Whilst Combi Steam captures the health benefits of steaming your food, it makes sure you get the same taste and texture as a proper bake. Divide and Cook allows you to cook two different dishes at the same time at different temperatures, whilst keeping energy use low and making sure the flavours don’t mix. Find out more about our innovative Respect Food technologies.


6. Make some soup
Root vegetables make delicious, hearty soups which are full of nutrition, and by using the waste of root vegetables, you can make soups that are healthy for the planet too. Whether it’s parsnip tops boiled and blended, or leek stems sprinkled in, every stem and skin has nutrition and flavour. Why not try out our delicious and easy to make broccoli stem soup?


Make the most of it with all the trimmings. From flesh to root, you can really use every part of your root vegetables and stop them from going to waste.



