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Recipes to use up Christmas Leftovers / Christmas Leftover Recipes
Recipes to use up Christmas Leftovers / Christmas Leftover Recipes

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Recipes to use up Christmas Leftovers / Christmas Leftover Recipes

Recipes To Use Up Christmas Leftovers _ Christmas Leftover Recipes 1_1920x600
Recipes To Use Up Christmas Leftovers _ Christmas Leftover Recipes 1_375x600

We left a wonderful Christmas behind, but what about the leftovers? You may be wondering what to do with all the remaining food if you’ve shopped or cooked more than you need. Here are a few recipes that can help you to use up your leftovers from turkey to Brussel sprouts:  

Leftover roasted potatoes: You can make use of leftover potatoes at lunch the day after Christmas. It’s a very simple recipe; first, caramelize your leftover onions in a little bit of oil, then add some more oil and the leftover potatoes until they’re all fried. Add your spices and your dish is ready.  

Leftover turkey: A Christmas symbol, you can use leftover turkey the next day in a noodle or sandwich. In fact, you can add other leftovers such as salads or tapas to your sandwich to make it even more delicious. You can freeze the sandwiches you’ve prepared for later by deep-freezing them and reheat them through the week whenever you’d like. 

Leftover Brussel sprouts: You can bring your Brussel sprouts back to life in the form of a yummy side dish. First, smash your previously cooked Brussel sprouts in lemon juice. Then add in your favorite condiments like mayo or mustard. Mix well, and your Brussel Dip made from leftover Brussel sprouts is ready! 

Leftover sausages: You can use leftover sausages from Christmas in an omelet the next day. Fry the sausage once more, mix in the eggs, spices you like, and even the leftover cheese to make an omelet you won’t be able to get enough of. 

You can have a zero-waste Christmas by using the leftovers in the following days. Every dish, every leftover can be made over to avoid waste through the points mentioned in this article. To avoid waste,  you can use up leftovers the next day in a sandwich or freeze it for later. Such small steps will not just be good for Christmas but can be a path you can follow throughout the year. Christmas is over but there’s a whole year ahead of us. So let’s make no leftover and no waste the first resolution of the year.

*Inspired by Grundig’s Respect Food Campaign in partnership with Food for Soul.
