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The More We Are, The More We Halve!

October 16th is World Food Day but for us, every day is World Food Day. We celebrate each day with everyone who knows that food is more than mere food. And have been leading the charge against food waste for the last 5 years with our collaborations, with our partner Food For Soul, and with our brand and UNEPs’ Goodwill Ambassador Massimo Bottura.

Food is ingrained in our myths, rituals, and daily lives. We Respect Food and strive to protect it for a better future together. The food we choose and the way we consume it affect our health and that of our planet. That’s why we do our best to create massive awareness regarding food waste with every possible platform and opportunity we have,  providing tools like Respect Food, as well as providing technological solutions to problems, all in order to support people in reducing household food waste.

We should remind the world that food is not as abundant as we might think and that we should take care of it and think twice about what we discard.

This year, we embraced the United Nations’ call against food waste. From International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste (Sep 29th) until World Food Day (Oct 16th), our beloved brand ambassador and UNEP Goodwill Ambassador Massimo Bottura, Food For Soul and us as Grundig will be promoting the message “The More We Are, The More We Halve” and encouraging people to contribute to this mission.

For us, every day is World Food Day. We feel that it’s up to us to lead the fight against food waste. With this mission, we are trying to create awareness regarding issues of food waste with our social media posts and by prioritizing special days of the year.

What is Food Waste?

Food waste not only concerns the waste of food, but also energy resources, both natural and economic, and has a social, ecological and environmental impact. Food waste is one of the causes of climate change. Food waste brings along ethical drawbacks since many people in the world are still hungry or malnourished. Food waste has a strong economic component, and fighting against it would lead to greater savings of money. 

The Food Waste Index Report has demonstrated that food waste at the consumer level is everybody’s problem. In all countries for which data is available, food waste, particularly at the household level, was substantial. Food waste means all the environmental impacts of food production without any of the benefits to people being fed.

Some numbers from UN data

  • 17% of the food available for consumption in the world is wasted, a phenomenon that affects all countries beyond their wealth.
  • 931 million tonnes of food on average ends up in waste bins for a weight equivalent to that of 23 million 40-tonne fully loaded trucks.
  • Families throw away the most amount of food, discarding 11% of food, while restaurants discard 5% and retail outlets discard 2%.
  • Globally, 121 kilograms of food are thrown away each year.
  • This all adds up to waste that has substantial environmental, social, and economic impacts.

Let’s Halve Food Waste Together

Every year, more than 30% of food produced goes to waste. We know wasted food is more than merely wasting food. Our beloved partner and UN ambassador Massimo Bottura and we at Grundig invite you to achieve the UN goal of halving food waste by 2030. Because all small steps matter and we believe that what we do on the inside is then reflected on the outside. Here is our call to action message

Our Respect Food initiative is aimed at inspiring everyone to help fight food waste. Fighting food waste can be very simple, we can all start from our own kitchens, because what we do inside is then reflected on the outside. Take a look at our recipes and find out more about the small changes you can implement in your own kitchen. 

Some Steps to Reduce Food Waste

Be a LetfLover

Leftovers are precious resources to be transformed into something new and delicious. Use every piece of leftovers to transform into something new for a sustainable future.

Love Imperfections

1 in 5 fruits and vegetables get thrown out due to their weird shapes, odd colors, or blemishes on the skin. We are all responsible for our planet: by minimizing all kinds of food waste, we can transform imperfections into perfection together

Waste Less Save More

Each individual contributes negatively to the problem of food waste. 7% of the food available for consumption in the world is wasted. That corresponds to 3.3 gigatons of greenhouse gases, which would have been the third most emitting country in the world.  We can all start from our own kitchens with small steps because we can only make a difference altogether.

Bigger is Not Always Better

More than 2.5 billion tonnes of food are estimated to go uneaten each year, which is about 40% of all the food produced. We tend to buy in bulk. This behavior may seem more economical unless you don’t use all of it. Therefore, we need to be more careful when shopping: bigger is not always better.


Each year, 121 kgs of food per person are thrown away globally. One of the basic reasons why we waste so much food is that we don’t pay attention to expiration dates. We believe fighting food waste can be a simple task if only we all start in our own kitchens. Storing food properly is one of the most important steps in overcoming this challenge.

The More We Are The More We Halve

We believe that “it starts at home”. Fighting food waste can be a simple task if only we all start making small changes in our own kitchens. Because what we do inside is then reflected on the outside. We all must contribute to promoting a global effort and action towards saving our planet. All together we can make a difference.

World Food Day

Today is World Food Day but for us, every day is World Food Day. We feel that it’s up to us to lead the fight against food waste. Respecting food is the only way we can ensure a better future. All small steps matter for a better future. To get started, have a look here.
