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Frost free, longer lasting fruit, and quick cooling.

SmartAero Pro: No matter the cook, chef quality results

SmartAero Pro

SmartAero Pro: No matter the cook, chef quality results

Grundig's SmartAero Pro Oven provides chef quality results no matter what you cook. Our new smart oven automatically adjusts the speed of the fan according to your meal choices, ensuring your baking is browned perfectly and your meat stays juicy.

Halogen Interior Illumination: More energy efficient and brighter interior lighting

Halogen Interior Illumination

Halogen Interior Illumination: More energy efficient and brighter interior lighting

With Grundig's Halogen Interior Illumination, cylindrical or square lamps that are located either on the rear or walls allow the easy observation of the interior. The halogen lamps that are available with certain models provide both more energyefficient and brighter lighting.

PizzaExpert Feature: High temperature pizza setting for perfect pizzas

PizzaExpert Feature

PizzaExpert Feature: High temperature pizza setting for perfect pizzas

Grundig ovens with PizzaExpert Features provide a high temperature pizza setting for perfect pizzas! So you can get the texture and feel of pizzeria pizza right in your own home. All you have to do is sort out the toppings and dough beforehand and your oven will make sure it comes out perfect every time!

EcoChamp: It’s quite cold but still user friendly


EcoChamp: It’s quite cold but still user friendly

Thanks to EcoChamp technology isn’t just great for the environment, it's great to save energy costs. The new variable-speed Inverter EcoCompressor inside the Grundig Side by Side models helps to lower energy consumption by up to 25%* while also keeping noise levels down. Even so, it’s quite the cold storage powerhouse.

Soft Doormatic Feature: Slam-free doors

Soft Doormatic Feature

Soft Doormatic Feature: Slam-free doors

Grundig's oven with Soft Doormatic Feature fitted with a quiet, self-closing mechanism. The new hinges on our Soft Doormatic Oven doors have been crafted to smoothly slide to a silent close. An elegant design for a more peaceful kitchen

Divide & Cook Technology: Two dishes, two temperatures, one oven!

Divide & Cook Technology

Divide & Cook Technology: Two dishes, two temperatures, one oven!

Grundig's Divide & Cook technology provides two sections that allow you to cook different dishes at different temperatures. The two sections prevent aromas mixing and allow for different durations, so it’s like having two separate ovens – saving you up to 40% of the time and energy you normally use!