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Frost free, longer lasting fruit, and quick cooling.

Vitamin Zone: Preserve fruits and vegetables for a longer time

Vitamin Zone

Vitamin Zone: Preserve fruits and vegetables for a longer time

VitaminZone technology activates the natural life mechanisms of the plant by simulating the natural daylight cycle. In this way, metabolic activities such as photosynthesis continue and the vitamin values of fruits and vegetables are preserved for a longer time.

SuperFresh: Keep your meat&fish fresher


SuperFresh: Keep your meat&fish fresher

Grundig's SuperFresh zone is designed to keep food at a lower temperature. This zone keeps food chilled between two and three degrees cooler than the rest of the fridge, creating the perfect temperature for the products. By maintaining the temperature just above freezing point, humidity is kept at an optimum level.

Led Illumination: Eco-friendly way to Illumination: Led Lights

Led Illumination

Led Illumination: Eco-friendly way to Illumination: Led Lights

The white LED lights provide efficient and cleaner lighting with a more aesthetic look inside your fridge. Also, LED refrigerator lights use significantly lower amounts of energy and release less heat compared to customary refrigerator lighting.