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Frost free, longer lasting fruit, and quick cooling.

Air Cleaning Mode: Fresh kitchen air with Air Cleaning Mode

Air Cleaning Mode

Air Cleaning Mode: Fresh kitchen air with Air Cleaning Mode

The Air Cleaning Mode on the hood is precisely for the ones that want a clean smelling kitchen all the time. Clean the air every 10 minutes, every hour. It uses almost no energy with almost no noise, so it’s just up to you to enjoy your fresh kitchen with your loved ones.

Dishwasher-Safe Cassette Filters: Perfectly clean filters with minimum effort

Dishwasher-Safe Cassette Filters

Dishwasher-Safe Cassette Filters: Perfectly clean filters with minimum effort

Dishwasher-safe cassette filters are easy to uninstall and clean before reinserting. Get perfectly clean filters without worrying about what will happen to the grease when you're done.

Auto Shut Down: Auto shut down feature that turns the hood off for you!

Auto Shut Down

Auto Shut Down: Auto shut down feature that turns the hood off for you!

There is only one switch that turns off the hood, and even if you forget about it, it will turn itself off after a while. Thus, you can concentrate on enjoying your meal and family without worrying about whether something in the background is running unnecessarily.

Led Illumination: Eco-friendly way to Illumination: Led Lights

Led Illumination

Led Illumination: Eco-friendly way to Illumination: Led Lights

The white LED lights provide efficient and cleaner lighting with a more aesthetic look inside your fridge. Also, LED refrigerator lights use significantly lower amounts of energy and release less heat compared to customary refrigerator lighting.

Hob & Hood Connectivity: You cook. It communicates, controls and adjusts.

Hob & Hood Connectivity

Hob & Hood Connectivity: You cook. It communicates, controls and adjusts.

With intelligent Hob & Hood Connectivity technology, the hob conveniently takes control of the hood. While you boil pasta or sauté chicken, the hob’s infrared transmitters constantly communicate with the hood fan, telling it the optimum speed to run at.