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Frost free, longer lasting fruit, and quick cooling.

InverterEco Motor: High Efficiency, Low Noise

InverterEco Motor

InverterEco Motor: High Efficiency, Low Noise

The Inverter EcoMotor by Grundig is the master of efficiency variable speed technology and a brushless design enables this innovative motor to reduce energy usage to a minimum while still being efficient. Last but not least, the Inverter EcoMotor reduces the noise level for a quiet environment.

GentleWave Feature: Wash your clothes gently

GentleWave Feature

GentleWave Feature: Wash your clothes gently

GentleWave Feature washing machines ensure that your laundry is cared for gently. Fitted for ultimate performance, the washer drum features a paddle and special door design that draws on nature’s best. Recreating a gentle wave-like motion, the machine cleans while protecting your clothes from unnecessary wear and tear.

IronTouch: Optimized washing for less creases


IronTouch: Optimized washing for less creases

With less time spent at the ironing board, you can concentrate on the things that matter to you most. Within our washing machines, IronTouch Technology and its anti-crease solutions optimize water levels, temperate and spin cycles to ensure less creases in your clothes.

SelfCleaning Detergent Drawer: Don't worry it looks after itself

SelfCleaning Detergent Drawer

SelfCleaning Detergent Drawer: Don't worry it looks after itself

Thanks to SelfCleaning Detergent Drawer in the washing machines with double jet, the detergent drawer will be cleaned automatically with the water coming from the jet pump. And it saves you the time and effort of manually cleaning the detergent drawer on a regular basis.