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PET Drum Casing

The best for your laundry.

And the environment.

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Plastic has become a worldwide issue. Beyond forming massive artificial oceanic patches the size of India, it's entering our food chain. It's crucial we change our approach to plastic use. This is why sustainability is our primary focus in innovation. We consistently invest in technologies that simplify our customers' lives and ensure a sustainable future for everyone.
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Plastic repurposed: Recycled materials shaping sustainable home appliances.
It goes without saying that our washing machines and washer-dryers are designed to conserve energy and resources for the environment's sake. But their role in reducing the amount of plastic each one of us wastes is part of our broader commitment to a cleaner, healthier future. To date, we've repurposed approximately 25 million PET bottles into over 400,000 of these appliances.
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The new Grundig Ovens


Every bite deserves to be delicious


At the heart of our technologies are people. Regardless of how cutting-edge our HotAero Pro technology might be, it's a mother's love that truly perfects a lasagna. Behind every recipe, the true magic lies in the hands that craft it. This ethos extends to our reverence for food. We designed the HotAero Pro technology to tackle food wastage by ensuring even cooking. Enhance our mission by minimizing waste and repurposing leftovers.

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