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Egg Smoothie
Egg Smoothie

1m read

Egg Smoothie

Egg Smoothie 1920x600
Egg Smoothie 375x600

Egg Smoothie


One lonely egg left behind in the carton?

Leftover eggs can be a hassle because you never truly know what to make with them. Rather than leaving them to age and eventually end up in the bin, use them for their rich, nutritious potential.

This protein-packed smoothie is tasty and perfect for a healthy diet. Combining egg with fruit, it’s also a good way to use up any leftover fruit you may have.






10 MIN.


  • 1 banana
  • 1 or 2 eggs
  • 1/3 cup plain yogurt
  • Fresh fruit of your choice
  • Honey (optional)


  • Prepare your ingredients.
  • Crack egg* into a blender.
  • * Feel free to replace with pasteurised eggs or an egg substitute.”
  • Blend at a medium speed setting.
  • Add banana and other fruit of your choice.
  • Add yogurt to mix.
  • Blend well until smooth. Add honey to sweeten if necessary.
  • Pour mixture into drinking glasses.
  • Dress with leftover fruit and serve.
