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Stale Bread Chocolate Cake
Stale Bread Chocolate Cake

1m read

Stale Bread Chocolate Cake


It is time to use the leftover bread in the freezer which was saved from going bad. Use stale bread as a cake base and make an inspired chocolate cake!

Stale Bread Chocolate Cake_1920x600
Stale Bread Chocolate Cake_375x600






1 H. 0 MIN.


  • 4 eggs
  • 400 ml warm milk
  • 300 g sugar
  • 300 g vegetable oil
  • 20 g baking powder
  • 10 g vanilla powder
  • 2 tbsp cocoa
  • 2 tbsp spread chocolate
  • 1 tbsp flour


  1. If you're using more than one bread, you can reduce the amount of flour. If you're using less than one bread, you can increase the amount of flour.
  2. Process the stale bread using the kitchen mixer until it turns into a flour.
  3. Add the milk and wait a few minutes for it to soften.
  4. Beat the eggs and sugar for 5 minutes, then add the oil and bread-milk mixture and mix for another minute. Then add all the other ingredients and continue whipping.
  5. Pour the mixture into the greased cake pan. Bake in a preheated oven at 175 °C for 45 minutes. Bon Appetit.
