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Stilton Cheese made with leftover Brussels Sprouts
Stilton Cheese made with leftover Brussels Sprouts

1m read

Stilton Cheese made with leftover Brussels Sprouts


Here's a delicious recipe to use up all your leftover Brussels sprouts. A fantastic combination of toasted bread crumbs, walnut, and cheese. A delicious and waste-free way to use up your leftover Brussels sprouts from Christmas.
*Inspired by Grundig's Respect Food Campaign in partnership with Food for Soul.

Stilton Cheese made with leftover Brussels Sprouts_1920x600
Stilton Cheese made with leftover Brussels Sprouts_375x600






30 MIN.


  • 4/6 PERSONS
  • 800g Brussels sprouts
  • 150g leftover creamy Stilton cheese, chopped
  • walnuts
  • 50g butter
  • 50g bread crumbs


  1. Chop the walnuts and cut the Stilton cheese into small pieces.
  2. Arrange the leftovers of Brussels sprouts in a buttered pan and spread the cheese and breadcrumbs on top.
  3. Melt separately the butter, then adding the walnuts. Spread the butter mixture over the sprouts.
  4. Put the pan in a preheated oven (200°C / fan180°C) for 15 minutes until the cheese melts.
