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Artichoke with Watercress Pesto
Artichoke with Watercress Pesto

lectura de 1 min

Artichoke with Watercress Pesto


Delicious, easy and fast. Introduce watercress pesto to artichoke to make it more delicious. Moreover, this minimalist recipe has only 4 ingredients. You can cook this waste-free dish without having any leftovers.

Artichoke with Watercress Pesto_1920x600
Artichoke with Watercress Pesto_375x600






25 MIN.


  • 100 g watercress
  • 280 g jar artichoke in olive oil
  • 60 g ricotta cheese
  • 220 g dried linguine


  1. Mix the watercress, ricotta and artichoke in a bowl with 4 tablespoons olive oil and add the seasonings you like.
  2. Boil salted water in a large pot. Cook the linguine al dente.
  3. Mix the linguine with the watercress pesto in a separate bowl. Add artichoke to the mix and add a few tablespoons of pasta sauce.
  4. Add some olive oil and black pepper for seasoning. Bon Appetit.
