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Chocolate Fondue
Chocolate Fondue

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Chocolate Fondue


Tasty and easy. Here's your delicious chocolate fondue recipe to make use of any excess chocolate you may have laying around!

Chocolate_Fondue 375x600
Chocolate_Fondue 1920x600






20 MIN.


  • 100 g 70% Cocoa Chocolate
  • 100 g Milk Chocolate
  • 160 ml heavy cream


  1. Put the pot in which you will melt the cream in a larger hot pot and fill the container with water(bain-marie technique).
  2. Cut the chocolates into small pieces, put the cream in the pan, and heat it over low heat.
  3. Add the chocolate chips and mix until it melts.
  4. Place the creamy chocolate in the fondue bowl and serve with a selection of seasonal fruits, cookies, and cake slices.
  5. *If the fondue consistency becomes solid, add a spoonful of cream into it and mix quickly.
    Please do not cook the fondue long as the more it waits, the thicker it gets.
