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10 Thanksgiving Safety Ideas
10 Thanksgiving Safety Ideas

1m read


For people who Respect Food, the kitchen is the heart of the home, especially during the holidays. From trying out family recipes to decorating cakes and cookies, everyone enjoys being part of the preparations. The memories of Thanksgiving are near and dear to the hearts of many. The smell of roasted turkey, the taste of delicious pumpkin pie and the sound of laughter filling every corner of the house. But also, Thanksgiving is peak time for home cooking fires. 

You can enjoy spending time with loved ones while keeping yourself and your family safe by following a few simple safety tips.

Use potholders or oven mitts whenever handling hot pans

We all use our ovens on Thanksgiving. We should always keep in mind to use a potholder. It doesn’t matter how quick we are – burns happen quicker.  

Use your fryer outdoors

When frying a turkey be sure to only use the fryer outdoors in a wide-open space. Not on a wooden deck, patio or in a garage.

A dry turkey is a safe turkey

Be sure that it’s completely thawed and dried before frying to avoid the hot oil from splattering.

Use tray or pan

If using a frozen turkey, we recommend cooking it in a tray or a pan to prevent juices from leaking.

Be wary of unexpected fires

When cooking for Thanksgiving, be careful to avoid wearing loose-fitting or long clothing around the stove. Also the steam or splashes from the vegetables or the gravy could cause serious burns.

Turkey bones break easily

Turkey bones break easily and become sharp. Don’t feed them to dogs as they can become a serious choking hazard.

Use a timer

The average number of cooking fires doubles on Thanksgiving. Use a timer and keep the fryer away from moisture

Feed your pets using the leftovers

Spoil your pets with some delicious turkey this Thanksgiving. Make sure it’s cooked, as raw or undercooked turkey may contain salmonella. A sudden change in their diet may cause an allergic reaction or upset stomach consuming raw turkey.

Keep an eye open

Stay in the kitchen while cooking on the stovetop so you can keep an eye on the food. 

Keep children safe

Children should keep at least 3 feet away from the stove or the oven as they will be hot. Also, keep knives out of reach of children.
