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A Fresh Start for Your Refrigerator: Fridge re-stock and organisation tips and tricks
A Fresh Start for Your Refrigerator: Fridge re-stock and organisation tips and tricks

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A Fresh Start for Your Refrigerator: Fridge re-stock and organisation tips and tricks 


A Fresh Start for Your Refrigerator: Fridge re-stock and organisation tips and tricks 


January 2024, and whether it’s bubbly, pizza or vegetable bake, you’ve probably already got leftovers piling up in the fridge.


But friends, it’s a brand New Year, and that means one thing: a fresh start.


Give your refrigerator the freshest start with these organisation hacks from Grundig:

Tap into your fridge zones


The first place to start is to ensure that your products are in their specified place. Didn’t see that on the food label? Right, they must have left that out. But to demystify your Grundig fridge, think of it as having several zones: the top shelves and the fridge door are warmer in temperature than the middle and lower shelves, which will cool down significantly until the FullFresh+ crisper, which is the coldest point in your fridge. 

Split your fresh produce between the bottom shelf and your vegetable crisper; milks and meats as near to the bottom as possible, and your cheeses, eggs and yoghurt on the top shelf. As for sauces and condiments, you can shove them in the fridge door, no problem. 

Get aesthetic

With clear glass jars and plastic containers, of course! While it may look pretty, this is also a functional tip, as keeping foods in glass, especially, helps them retain a longer shelf life. Also, it’ll make sure your fridge is Pinterest-friendly.   

Order your fridge

Fresh produce to the front, please! You’re bound to forget about the grapefruits and berries if they’re hidden behind the strawberry jam. So make sure that foods that are going to expire or go off the fastest are the easiest to spot (and grab!). 

Invest in Grundig

Our refrigerators are not only the supermodels of kitchen appliances, they are also full of technical features that ensure your fresh produce stays fresh for as long as possible such as FullFresh+ technology keeps your crisper drawer at the optimum temperature to preserve food quality and minimise food dry-out.


Buy yours now: 

