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Know Your Food: Egg

The egg is a part of our daily life with the yolk and white, whipped, or boiled. Let’s take a look at what we can do with eggs, which is used in a variety of foods, from cakes to beverages or breakfast.

Let’s start with eggshell: the eggshell contains quite high levels of calcium and protein with the nutritional values it contains. Let’s say you made boiled eggs in the morning, and you are about to pour out the water. Instead of dumping the water into the sink and wasting it, you can wait for it to cool down and use it to water your plants. It will provide some vital nutrients for your plants’ growth and make them healthier. Of course, the peeled eggshell can also be used. Instead of throwing it away, you can crumble and compost it to feed your plants or soil with the same nutrients.

The eggshell is also very suitable for recycling. The egg shelves of Grundig refrigerators are made of recycled eggshells. The small acts done at the right time helps to bring a much better future.

So what can we do easily and quickly at home with the remaining egg yolk? How can we make sure that the egg yolk doesn’t go to waste?

Noodle: Making fresh noodles is easy and also delicious. You can create tasty noodles with quite a few ingredients. Here’s what you need: eggs, salt, and flour. Slowly mix all the ingredients well. Let it rest for a few hours after it becomes a dough. Put the dough on a non-stick surface or pour some flour to prevent it from sticking, then cut it to the desired thickness and fineness. After resting it a little, the noodles will be ready for cooking. 

Pasta sauce: Cheese and other foods are great, obviously, but have you ever tried the delicious taste of pasta with egg yolk based sauce? Mix the parmesan with the egg yolk, add salt and pepper and serve it on the pasta. That’s it.

Omelet: You can always use your extra or leftover yolk to make an omelet the next day. Omelet is an easy way to use your leftovers. Mushrooms, bacon, or other vegetables that are waiting in the refrigerator. All you have to do is cook all the ingredients first except eggs. Then start cooking your eggs and mix-in the other cooked ingredients with the omelet. If there are many more eggs waiting in the fridge, we have a delicious frittata recipe for you.

Note: Egg white, like egg yolk, can remain fresh in the refrigerator for up to two days, but compared to the white, the yolk tends to dry out faster. By adding a few droplets of water in the egg yolk, you can prevent it from drying at least for a little while longer.

Time to talk about the egg whites

Note: Egg white, like egg yolk, can remain fresh in the refrigerator for up to two days.

Meringue: You can make amazing meringues with very few ingredients and egg whites. Moreover, you can sweeten it with fruits and get any flavor you desire.

Topping: Beat the remaining egg whites with a mixer until it forms a soft peak. Then gradually add the sugar. Beat until you get the consistency you are used to.

Cookies & Cakes: Whether you’re aiming for delicious cookies or biscuits using the egg whites will add a delightful flavor to it.

Mousse: Did you know that you can make a delicious chocolate mousse with leftover egg whites? All you’ve got to do is: melt the chocolate and bring it to room temperature. Then mix in the egg white and lemon juice well. Then combine it with chocolate. Leave in the fridge for 8 hours before serving.

For a sustainable future, we should buy only as much as we’re going to need and use it in portions to avoid any leftovers. In cases where only the yolk or the white of an egg is required, we could all help prevent waste by learning about how to make use of what’s left and making sure it’s stored properly. Eggs including their shells are a valuable source of food. That’s why learning about how to make the most of it can help us achieve a zero-waste kitchen for a sustainable world. A better future starts at home.



Can You Eat an Eggshell? Surprising Benefits & Uses of Eggshells
