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Let’s Stay at Home Episode 4: Staying Socially Together

These days we #stayathome because we care; not just about our health but others’ as well because we are aware of our impact on each other. Despite the distance, this experience has shown us all how connected we are to each other. It made us notice all the things that we have in common rather than our differences. All the dreams we share rather than our fears. With every story, every emoji, every virtual occasion we realized we can stay connected in thought, in purpose and in hope for better days. Even if we are far from each other due to the physical separation, our actions, care and awareness of each other brings us closer than ever before.

So, we want to take this occasion to remind that social distancing is nothing more than a physical separation; a temporary logistical state and that these days we are more connected through our mutual dreams of a better tomorrow for all and of course – video calls.

As Massimo Bottura says, we are just one video call away from each other. Although it may not come natural at first, video calls are a great way to keep in touch and do things together, from a distance. From catching up over coffee to sharing virtual dinners you can use video call to fill your home with the happy sounds of your loved ones in an instant.

Here’s a great recipe from our beloved partner Massimo Bottura that you can share with your family and friends online or try together virtually and compare outcomes.

At Grundig, we feel that it’s our responsibility to lead the fight against food waste. To remind the world not to take food for granted, but to treat it with care. Respecting food is the only way we can ensure a better future. And as a brand that believes in a better future, every day we’re working toward developing new technologies that fight food waste. That’s our mission. By adopting Respect Food initiative with a strong eco-conscience, we champion the cause of reducing food waste. Our “Respect Food” initiative aims to inspire everyone to fight with us, by showing people how to tackle waste in kitchens with everyday small steps, innovative products and partnerships. That‘s how we manage to save more than 200 tonnes of food from going to waste till today with Food for Soul.

Our partner Food for Soul, demonstrated the power of social togetherness even more strongly, through the people in need during these times. In addition to providing them with the necessary food aid, Food for Soul also raised the awareness of this situation and expressed that they needed even more help during these times and will continue to do so.

This extraordinary good team, believing in the power of togetherness, not only offers people hot food but also supplies necessary hand disinfectant sprays, masks and gloves to the people in need. This period, when we are physically separated from each other, also reveals how socially connected we are to each other. 

Difficult times reveal legendary people, and those people are the volunteers of Food for Soul that we are proud to partner with. If you want to support people in need through Food for Soul, donate through this link.

Why Does Food Waste Matter?

Food waste matters because every year 1.3 billion tonnes of edible food is wasted.

The majority is wasted during the production phase while getting sorted for distribution or during transportation due to insufficient or bad storage conditions. The rest of the food waste happens mostly in our homes.

One might think how one apple or a piece of beef going to waste can have such a detrimental impact on the environment and our planet’s future. It gets easier to understand when one traces back the origins of that apple or beef and considers the effort and resources that went into growing and producing it including energy and non-renewable resources like water. If you’d like to learn more on this check out our article on “How does food waste affect animals?”

We have come to the end of our Let’s Stay At Home series on making the most of these tough days with tips from Massimo Bottura and Food for Soul Chefs on quarantine shoppingusing every bit and storing.  We can all take small steps at home to help cut down on food waste and provide a sustainable life and that can start with saving just an apple at home. 

Now more than ever, a better future starts at home.

You can still carry on these tips and use it to help fight against food waste by learning more from our recipes, articles and tips.

For more inspiration, read our articles or try our recipes. Want to do more? Support your action by giving back to our community partner Food for Soul.
