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1m read

Reducing Food Waste For Restaurants

According to UN Food and Agriculture organization, 1.3 trillion kilograms of food is wasted every year. Reducing such an immense waste requires the effort of both individuals and business. Restaurants, a major part of the food supply chain, have a critical role in preventing food waste. What’s more, eliminating food waste is both an economical and ecological goal for restaurants. Below are some tips for reducing food waste at restaurant level.

1. Implement Stock Dating

An important reason of food waste at restaurants is expiring/perishing stock. Simply marking the expiry/serve before dates on stock clearly can help prevent food waste. This simple practice coupled with staff awareness can have immense effects on your waste levels.

2. Repurpose Leftover Parts

Using as much as the produce is another easy way to reduce food waste at the kitchen. Fruit skins and peelings can be used for making delicious and boutique fruit vinegar. Other scraps can be used in making tasty stocks. Beef fat can be used to fry, and duck fat can be used to roast. Some restaurants even take on a challenge to create recipes that solely use leftovers. All it takes is a waste reducing perspective.

3. Donate the Surplus

No matter how well the supply is planned, many restaurants end up with more food than they can use. Whether it be fresh produce, dairy or meat, the surplus generally expires/perishes and unfortunately is wasted. Donating surplus food before it expires not only helps prevent food waste, but actually contributes to the society. In another words, you’d be “doing good” twice.

4. Start Composting

A great percentage of a kitchen’s waste can be used in composting. This compost can be used in growing herbs and aromatics for the restaurant, can be shared with fresh produce suppliers, can be sold online (depending on the amount) – or simply can be donated to the community. No matter which use, food waste would be prevented, and the compost would be a meaningful contribution to the ecosystem.
