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The Sour Upcycle: Let’s Keep Lemon Peels to Reduce Food Waste

We definitely love lemons. Under the bright yellow peel is a refreshing treasure. They smell divine, can enrich any flavor and they are full of vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Unlike the well-known benefits of the lemon, many people are unaware of the secrets hidden in the peels themselves. Every time somebody throws away a lemon’s peel, they’re not only wasting a valuable resource, but also denying themselves the naturally wonderful benefits of the peels.

It is crucial for us to stop food waste. Read on for some naturally amazing uses for lemon peels.

Using Lemon Peels for Enhancing Taste

Let’s start with the basic: The zest. Zest some of the peels and freeze for later use.

You can also create twists out of the peels and freeze them within ice cubes. Not only they look great, but they also add the freshness in anything you use them.

By the way, citrus salt is always a good idea. Add a tablespoon full of lemon zest to ½ cup of sea salt. Work the zest into the salt and make sure there are no clumps of zest. Spread the mixture onto a parchment lined baking sheet and bake the mixture for 60-70 minutes (until the citrus is completely dried) at 105C. Remove from the oven and leave to cool. You can pulse a few times in a food processor. You can keep it in an airtight container for a few months. Enjoy.

Don’t forget to get rid of the inner white parts. Also, to avoid any pesticides, we recommend using organic lemons.

Lovely Dessert Toppings: Candied Lemon Peels

Do you ever find yourself in need of colorful cake toppings while baking with leftovers? Next time you can consider candied lemon peels to give your cake a touch of fresh lemon taste and a beautiful yellow look. We suggest using organic lemon peels to ensure taste and safety.

To prepare your candied lemon peels all you need is 1 tsp. salt, ½ cup cold water, 2 cups of sugar and the peel of 5-6 lemons. Just boil your lemon peels with the half of your salt for 10 minutes and rinse it. Then to get rid of bitterness of your peels, repeat the boiling process till the end of your salt. Then, all you need to do is to simmer your peels on low heat for 50 to 60 minutes in sugar-dissolved water.
